Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Nintendo DSi LL

Now Big Macs aren't the only thing you can super size.

Is it me, or are companies running out of ideas? When a company like Sony or Nintendo keep recycling their products, I get worried. Either they're short of creativity, or short on money. Now, I heard that this particular model is being aimed at the elderly. But how large a percentage of the DS using population do they represent? If this is the reason they're making this version of the DSi, I guess that's cool. But it still seems a little fishy.

If it were me, why stop at making a bigger screen that would be easy on the older eyes? I would take it even farther. You'd have to, to prove that it isn't just another money grab. So here's how I'd expand on the older person's DSi.

1. Add a pill storage. Make a small tray that can be inserted into the DS that will store the user's medications for safe keeping. Have an alert system that will temporarily pause the game to notify the user of when it's time to take their meds.

2. Include a countdown timer to the user's retirement, so that they know how much longer until they can quit their job and spend their pensions on more Nintendo products.

3. Include a sound amplifier for the hard of hearing.

4. Have a map that lists nearby hospitals and pharmacies in case of medical emergencies.

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