Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Recommended Podcasts

"L'Internationale is on my playlist, what's on yours comrade?"

Recently, I've begun to get into video and PC game podcasts. They're a great source of information and opinion concerning the latest titles and trends in gaming. I love the casual banter and personality of the show hosts. It reminds me of how I would chat about gaming with my friends after school back in the day. I've learned a lot, and I encourage ardent gaming fans to support some of these great programs. Here are my personal recommendations:

The Instance
: This is a World of Warcraft themed podcast. If you play the game, this is simply a must. I absolutely love listening to the show while I'm playing. The hosts Scott and Randy are funny and highly knowledgeable about the game. They have several segments covering news, rumors, and doing funny skits.

Rebel FM: A very laid back, fun to listen to podcast. They mostly cover consoles, which I don't play too much. But they're still entertaining and informative. Their shows are long, around two hours, which I like. It helps me pass the time on these long afternoons, and they have a great camaraderie. The hosts actually work in the industry, writing for sites such as GameSpy. I love their motto: Eat, Sleep, Game.

Respawn Radio: This is a somewhat shorter, more focused version of Rebel FM. The hosts, Lono, Knuckles and 8-Bit Bass are great. I love their names too :D Lono leads the group, with 8-Bit being the apparent comic relief of the team. They are a great source of news, as they'll keep you up to date with just about every major game release and what's going on with the industry, as well as offer their reviews and opinions on what they play.

Free Play: I just discovered this one this morning, a great podcast that I will definitely be listening closely to in the future. It specializes in free to play (presumably) MMOs, and possibly other games as well. I'm a new listener to the show, but from what I've heard, it's a great source of information for those who want to do gaming on the cheap.

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