Sunday, October 11, 2009

Game Preview: Borderlands

One of the hardest things for a gamer to do is wait for an upcoming title. Truly good games are released far and few between. It's not like cinema, where there is usually at least one film a week that might be worth seeing. A gamer can wait for years for a title to come out that they know has a pretty high chance of kicking ass. Just look at how long we've waited for StarCraft 2.

Borderlands, is one such game that will literally be painful to wait for. I can safely say that October has been one of the slowest moving months in recent memory. That may be partially my fault, as I just can't stop thinking about how incredible this FPS/RPG hybrid looks like it could be.

Wait don't shoot! He's just trying to return your wrench!

The closest equivalent to Borderlands I can think of is in Left 4 Dead. Both games are four player, co-op experiences. From watching the video footage, I can tell that some serious teamwork will probably be required for this game. What sets Borderlands apart from L4D however, is it sci-fi setting, and the fact that it has a randomly generated weapon system. For me, this is by far the most compelling feature of the game. With a nearly inexhaustible supply of weapons, I have to imagine this extends the title's replayability immensely.

Added to this is the integration of RPG elements. This includes over a hundred quests, a leveling system and item shops. Like Diablo, a lot of the game world will be randomly generated, such as levels and objects. In fact, Borderlands could be the perfect game to play while we wait for D3.

Mad Max extras make cameo appearances in Borderlands

The basic story for Borderlands is like this: Several colony ships are sent to a distant planet called Pandora. Its rumored to have vast deposits of resources that could make the colonists rich. But in some cruel practical joke, once the travelers arrive to the planet, there is only a desolate landscape. Those that have the means leave the world, and those that don't are forced to fend for themselves.

However, there is a silver lining. Several sites of an ancient civilization were found, containing remnants of an alien technology. The mother lode of these extraterrestrial findings lie in a structure called the vault. Unfortunately, no one has been able to excavate it without being wiped out in the process. To make matters worse, dangerous creatures are coming out of hibernation to terrorize the planet. Presumably, its your job to fight your way through the various hostilities and hope to unlock the vault's secrets.

The L4D characters have nothing on these guys...

Borderlands is one of those games that just seem to contain everything I could possibly want in one package. And that's why I'm hoping I'm going to be able to enjoy it. Sci-fi setting, massive replayability, virtually unlimited weapons, RPG elements, post-apocalyptic/wild west ambiance, unique characters, all crammed into one package. This is an irresistible buy, and I can't wait for this eternally long month to near its end so I can finally freakin' play it. Borderlands is due out on Oct. 26th for the PC.

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