Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hearts of Iron 3 Highlights

It turns out I may be a little better at geopolitical strategy games than I thought. I actually managed my way through a full game of Hearts of Iron 3. A full length AAR would be a daunting, lengthy project. So instead, I'm going to write several posts highlighting the most interesting moments. Where opportunity arises, I may inject some humor or badly photoshopped pics describing the epic war.

In this game's alternate universe, Japan decides to ally with the USSR. After promising not to make any more incursions into China, the U.S. agrees to continue supplying Japan with its desperately needed resources. As the world inches closer toward war, Japan becomes increasingly concerned about possible Soviet aggression. Fearing an invasion by the USSR if they sided with the Axis, moves are put into place to transition the country to a communist government.

The worshiped and revered Emperor manages to influence several powerful, leftist political groups. With their combined pull, they achieve a bloodless coup and become a member of the Comintern. They also succeed in uniting the Japanese Navy and Army, which up until that point had been at odds with each other. In order to appease several militant parties, the Emperor promises to wage an aggressive war that would bring the Southeast Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere to fruition. With the U.S. and Japan on good terms, the Pearl Harbor attack is never carried out. America remains isolationist and distanced from international politics. The Axis powers are gathering to wage all out war on the Allies. Japan initiates its war under the rationale that it is to safeguard southeast Asia from Axis and Allied aggression. The USSR with its massive land forces, protect Japan from most of Europe, while Japan's formidable navy fortifies Russia's eastern shores.

The pieces are put in place for World War II! Banzai!

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