Thursday, October 1, 2009

My Top 3 Most Memorable Gaming Moments (Intro)

I have the fondest memories of playing some of the best games growing up. I am especially partial to the console RPGs of the original playstation era. That was probably around the time where I really discovered what my tastes were as a gamer. Titles like Final Fantasy 7, Lunar Silver Star Story, among others, were what really gave me my identity in this hobby.

When it comes to the PC, I actually consider myself quite fortunate I got into PC gaming when I did. A simpler, more innocent time. Gaming was still a fringe activity, a realm of nerds, and not the overblown mainstream activity it is now. Though I'm not saying that's necessarily bad. I got to experience the glory of such classics as X-Com UFO Defense, X-Wing, the King's Quest games and the early Quake shooters, like Doom 1 & 2, and all this without emulation software!

Its embrassing to think about, but I'm old enough to actually remember using DOS. Those days are gone sadly, but there's plenty to look forward to, if you can get past the nostalgia of the earlier days.

This kind of thing is definitely something I won't miss.

Anyway, I'm going to write a three part piece about what some of my fondest or most satisfying experiences were in my gaming career. The kind of thing that you play over and over again in your mind, because it was so awesome. That moment in time where you knew you chose the right hobby. When you said to yourself, "I LOVE being a gamer!"

Virtual On Oratorio Tangram. Remembering this incredible game makes me a little weepy. ;_; What I wouldn't give to play this in the arcade again...

If you have such experiences, feel free to send them and I'll post them up. But only if it was really meaningful to you. I don't want to get bombarded with thousands of e-mails from my legions of fans, talking about how they scored a head shot with their sniper in (insert FPS here). No, it's got to be good. Like this one time my friend and I were playing Goldeneye on the 64. Back in that day, technology was still pretty limited, but for its time, that game was epic. Anyway, enemies had only so many death animations. And this was before ragdoll physics.

My friend and I burst into a room and sprayed some soldiers, and they both died at the same time, using the same spinning body animation. It was beautiful. Two bad buys spinning in some bizzare choreographed dance of death. You would have had to have been there to appreciate it, but it was funny as hell.

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